Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions prevail in the event of any conflict or inconsistency with any other communications, including advertising or promotional materials. Entry instructions are deemed to form part of the Terms and Conditions and by participating all entrants will be deemed to have accepted and be bound by the Terms and Conditions. Please retain a copy for your information.

The Promoter & Administrators:

Promoter: Essity UK Limited, Southfields Road, Dunstable, Bedfordshire, LU6 3EJ (The Promoter).


Blue Chip Marketing (UK) Ltd, Blackfriars House, The Parsonage, Manchester, M3 2JA (The Administrator).

AMV BBDO, Bankside 3, Southwark Street, London SE1 0SW (The Administrator)


  1. Entrants must be residents of the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland). Entrants must be aged 18 years and over. Employees of the Promoter, their immediate families, affiliates, agents or anyone else professionally connected with this Promotion are excluded from entering.
  2. No purchase necessary.

  3. Entrants will require internet access and a public Instagram account. If you do not have an account, you will need to create one in order to participate – you will require an active email address in order to do this. An Instagram account can be opened at Instagram.com.

  4. A UK bank account is required to receive a prize via BACs transfer.

  5. The entrant entering the promotion must be the owner of the Instagram account used. Proof of ownership of the social media account and proof of age may be required.

  6. Any entries received from private accounts on Instagram will not be entered due to privacy restrictions. To enter from a private account, participants must amend their account settings to a public account in order for their entry to be accepted.

  7. Entrants must have owner's permission before using a computer, device and/or internet-access which is not owned or paid for by the entrant to enter the Promotion. The Promoter will not be liable for any internet or mobile connection, or other charges incurred in entering the Promotion.

  8. You must continue to keep your social media account on a public setting for 6 weeks after the end of the Promotion Period in order to be contacted if you are selected as a winner.

  9. Max 1 entry per person only; a person can only use one Instagram account to enter.


Promotional Period:

  1. Promotion opens at 00:01 17th May 2023 and closes at 23:59 23rd May 2023 (‘Promotional Period’).


How to enter the draw:

  1. To enter, entrants must follow @tenawomenuk on Instagram and comment ‘Win’ on the promotional Instagram post during the Promotional Period.

  2. The Promoter monitors responses to this promotion and if any responses or any previous posts made by an entrant are, or could be regarded, as being disrespectful towards other members of the Instagram community or which contain anything which is likely to or could cause offence or distress (as defined in clause 13) will be disqualified from the promotion. As someone who enters the promotion, your use on Instagram is subject to the platform’s Terms Of Use: https://help.instagram.com/581066165581870

  3. Entries will be deemed invalid if any response:
  •  contains defamatory, malicious, indecent or other inappropriate content;
  • Contains any content that is offensive or could reflect negatively on the name, reputation, or goodwill of the Promoter or any brand partner;
  • Promotes any political, blasphemous or religious agenda or any content deemed to incite religious or racial hatred
  • in the reasonable opinion of the Promoter, cause any widespread or serious offence (taking into account prevailing community views or standards);
  • Defames, misrepresents, or contains content for the intended purpose of harassing, threatening or embarrassing individuals or multiple individuals or insults other people or companies, including, but not limited to the Promoter (including its partners);
  • Contains any images of children;
  • contains content deemed socially irresponsible or likely to breach the CAP Code.
  • Any Instagram name or profile photograph which contravenes the above will be void, and any entries will not count.
  1. Entry can only be made on Instagram, there is no other route of entry,

  2. Entries submitted after the closing date will not be included in this prize draw.

  3. The Promoter reserves the right at its sole discretion to disqualify any individual found to be attempting to tamper with the operation of the Promotion, using multiple identities, using multiple Instagram accounts, using a computer(s) to circumvent entry requirements by, for example, the use of ‘script’, ‘brute force’, masking their identity by manipulating IP addresses, using or any other automated means, or to be acting in any manner deemed by the Promoter to be in violation of the Terms and Conditions; or to be acting in any manner deemed by the promoter to be disruptive. Bulk, trade, syndicates, consumer groups, agencies or third party or automated entries are not permitted and will be disqualified. Incomplete responses will be disqualified and will not be counted.


Prize Details:

  1. 5 x winners will each win a £250 cash prize, sent to a UK bank account in the winner’s name only via BACs transfer. A UK bank account is required to receive the prize.

  2. Prize is non-refundable and non-transferable. Prize is as stated and no alternative will be provided in whole or part.

  3. If a prize is not available in the event of circumstances outside of the Promoter’s control, it will be replaced with something of equal or greater value.


Winner selection, notification and verification:

  1. The draw will take place within 5 working days of the closing date. The 5 winners will be drawn at random by a computer generated process from all entries received within the Promotional Period.

    Only entries that complete the entry instructions are eligible to win a prize.

  2. Within 5 working days of the draw, the winners will be notified via an Instagram direct message to the Instagram account they used to enter, to start the prize verification and fulfilment process. Each winner has 14 days from original notification to provide their full name, date of birth, county of residence, confirmation of Instagram handle and proof of identification by contacting the email address provided to them via direct message on Instagram.

  3. The Promoter will verify all winners by requesting full name, date of birth. Instagram handle and proof of identification for prize fulfilment purposes, and county of residence for winner list purposes if consent is given.

  4. The verification process will be conducted within 5 working days of receiving the required details. Once verification has been completed, the winners will be asked to provide UK bank account details for the prizes to be fulfilled via BACs transfer. The winners have 7 days to provide their UK bank details. Delivery of the prizes will be within 28 days of receiving the winner’s valid bank details.

  5. If a winner does not respond within 14 days of original notification, is ineligible, rejects their prize, is unable to take the prize, or does not provide their bank details for prize fulfilment within 7 days of the request, they shall be disqualified and will lose their entitlement to the prize (which will subsequently be awarded to a reserve entrant selected at the same time of the initial prize allocation). The process will repeat until an eligible winner is able to claim the prize, for a period of 3 months after the closing date, after which all remaining prizes will be null and void.

  6. Entrants are encouraged to monitor their Instagram direct message inbox during this time in case they are a winner. It is the responsibility of entrants to check their messages to ensure they are in receipt of any communications from the Promoter.

  7. It is the responsibility of each winner to provide their correct, up-to-date details at the time of prize acceptance for their prize to be processed. The Promoter, and the Administrator cannot be held responsible for any winner failing to supply accurate information which affects prize acceptance or delivery.



  1. The Promoter reserves the right to verify all entries and the winners including, but not limited to, any entrant’s identity or age (passport, driving licence or equivalent) which they must provide in 14 days), and to refuse to award a prize or withdraw prize entitlement or refuse further participation in the Promotion where there are reasonable grounds to believe there has been a breach of these Terms and Conditions, or any instructions forming part of this Promotion’s entry requirements, or otherwise where a participant has gained unfair advantage in participating in the Promotion, or won using fraudulent means. The Promoter will be the final arbiter in any decisions, and these will be binding.

  2. The winners’ surnames and counties of residence will be made available on request, for a maximum of three months after the Promotional Period closing date, to any person who sends an email to hello@tenawin.co.uk. We reserve the right to refuse any or all such requests. Entrants can object to disclosure, or request that disclosure be limited in scope by contacting hello@tenawin.co.uk. We may nevertheless disclose the information to the Advertising Standards Authority if required to do so.

  3. Winners may be asked to participate in publicity relating to the Promotion, of which consent would be requested. Such publicity may include, without limitation, name, age, Instagram handle, county and/or statements made by a winner concerning the Promotion and/or prize and photographs taken as part of the Promotion.

  4. Numerous factors outside the control of the Promoter may interfere with the operation of Instagram. The Promoter does not therefore guarantee continuous, uninterrupted or secure access to this website.

  5. This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Instagram. You understand that you are providing your information to the Promoter and not to Instagram. By entering the promotion, all participants accept that they have no claim against Instagram. By entering the promotion, all participants agree to a complete liability release for Instagram. All entries are also subject to the platform’s terms of use and you can find them here: https://help.instagram.com/581066165581870

  6. Unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Promoter or Administrators, prizes will only be awarded directly to the winners.

  7. The Promoter is not responsible or liable for:
  1. Any entries that are lost or delayed due to faulty, failed or erroneous electronic data transmissions.
  2. Communications line failure, regardless of cause, with regard to any equipment, systems, networks, lines satellites, servers, computers or providers utilised in any aspect of this Promotion causing delays or disruption.
  3. Entries which are lost, delayed, corrupted, damaged, misdirected, or incomplete or cannot be delivered for any technical, delivery or other reason. Proof of submission will not be accepted as proof of receipt.
  4. Inaccessibility or unavailability of the internet.
  1. In the event of exceptional circumstances outside its reasonable control and only where circumstances make this unavoidable, the Promoter reserves the right to cancel or amend the Promotion or these Terms and Conditions at any stage, for any reason, without notice, and without liability to you, or any third party, but will always endeavour to minimise the effect to participants in order to avoid undue disappointment.

  2. The Promoter and its associated agencies and companies cannot accept any responsibility for any damage, loss, liabilities, injury, costs, expenses, or claims suffered by any person in connection with this promotion, the fulfilment of the prizes and/or the use of the prizes . The Promoter further disclaims liability for any injury or damage to you or any other person as a result of participation except for any liability which cannot be excluded by law (including personal injury, death and fraud) in which case that liability is limited to the minimum allowable by law.

  3. The decision of the Promoter shall be final and binding in all promotional matters and no correspondence will be entered into.

  4. These terms and conditions and any related disputes are subject to interpretation under the laws of England and Wales, and to the jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales, unless you live in another part of the UK, in which case your local courts will have jurisdiction.

  5. If any of these clauses should be determined to be illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable then it shall be severed and deleted from these Terms and Conditions and the remaining clauses shall survive and remain in full force and effect.


Data Protection:

  1. Any personal data relating to participants will be used solely in accordance with current data protection legislation and will be used solely in the administration of the Promotion. Data will be held for 3 months after the closing date of the Promotion before deletion. For the Promoter’s Privacy Policy, visit https://www.tena.co.uk/privacy-policy. You can request access to your personal data, or have any inaccuracies rectified, by sending an email to dataprivacy@essity.com. For the Administrator’s Privacy Policy, visit https://www.wearebluechip.co.uk/legals. You can request access to your personal data, or have any inaccuracies rectified, by sending an email to hello@tenawin.co.uk.. By participating in the Promotion, you agree to the use of your personal data as described here.

Essity takes the privacy of its Users seriously. It is committed to safeguarding the privacy of its Users and that all persons whose personal data is processed by Essity shall at all times be confident that their privacy is respected, and that due care is taken regarding his or her personal data. Personal data, including data such as names and addresses which you provide to Essity, may be processed manually as well as by computers.

Any visit to the Essity Sites may lead to registration of the IP address used for such access (dependent on the consumer’s active acceptance of the Site’s cookies). Essity use IP addresses to measure the use of the Sites to help improve the site, to personalize the Experience to tailor relevant content and to optimize user Experience and determine frequency.