A confident, relaxed 50+ man poses in TENA pants.

Winter Clearance

Up to 60% Off* for a limited time only!

1 in 4 men over 40 experience involuntary urine leakage.

Male Urinary incontinence Prevalence Study, 2013 (US, UK, IT, FR, MX, RU).

Three 40+ men chatting in a gym changing room. One of them is wearing TENA Men pants in blue.

Keep control of urine leakage

Don’t let a few drips and dribbles affect your lifestyle. Find out more about  easy changes you can make to help keep control.

Introducing TENA Protectors

Watch the video to see how easy it is to use our discreet, secure pads. 

Introducing Washable protective boxers

Don't let a few drips and dribbles compromise your style. Watch the video to see how to wear our washable boxers with built-in protection against light leaks.

More about incontinence

A close up image taken from behind of a mother and son hugging

TENA Protects Program

We’re on a mission to improve people’s lives, with innovative products and solutions to leave less behind on the planet together.