Learn more about incontinence
These articles about leaks, bedwetting and continence care are here for you regardless if you are a man, woman, carer, relative, or professional.
The pelvic floor comes up in most conversations about the bladder or incontinence. That’s because most people know that pelvic floor exercises are a good thing to do to improve and maintain the function of the bowel and bladder. And avoiding pelvic floor dysfunction is on many minds.
That being said, if asked ‘what is the pelvic floor?’ would we be able to answer?
Read on to find out all about pelvic floor function, as we discuss in detail ‘what are pelvic floor muscles’. We’ll also cover pelvic floor dysfunction.
The pelvic floor is the name of the supportive sling of muscles and connective tissue that stretches from the tailbone at the back of your body to the pubic bone at the front. The pelvic floor function is to support the pelvic organs like the bladder, bowel, and rectum. In women, the pelvic muscles also support the womb (uterus). They protect these organs from external damage and support them when standing. One way to imagine the pelvic floor is like a hammock with the pelvic organs lying on top.
As well as supporting the body’s organs, the pelvic floor muscles also control the anal sphincter, urethra, vaginal opening, and blood flow to the penis. Therefore, these muscles control and regulate many bodily functions including sexual function, defecation, and of course, urination.
Another way to think about the pelvic floor muscles is like a firm, thick muscular trampoline. Just like a trampoline, it can move up and down to support the muscles that lie on top of it.
The layer of muscles has gaps that allow other organs to pass through. In men, there are two passages (for the urethra and anus), and women have three passages (for the urethra, anus, and vagina). By contracting (squeezing) or relaxing, the can control the function of these passages and allow the release of urine, faeces and wind.
Problems can occur when the pelvic floor muscles become weakened or damaged. Some common causes for a weakened pelvic floor include going through childbirth, obesity, heavy lifting, and straining. A weak pelvic floor may also be caused by radiation treatment or pelvic surgery.
If you think your pelvic floor is causing you pain and discomfort, see our list of tight and weak pelvic floor symptoms:
There are three main types of pelvic floor disorders linked to the weak pelvic floor symptoms above. These can cause pelvic floor dysfunction:
While pelvic floor disorders are more common as you get older, they can and should still be treated. Similarly, while childbirth increases a woman’s risk of experiencing pelvic floor dysfunction, that doesn’t mean that there’s nothing that can be done! Something as simple as pelvic floor exercises can have a real impact on strengthening the muscles and improving your condition.
For example, the stress of childbirth on a woman’s body can weaken the pelvic floor and cause them to experience post-natal . You can read our article all about little leaks in pregnancy and after birth to find out more.
Pelvic floor exercises are also sometimes known as Kegel exercises. That’s because they’re named after a gynaecologist called Arnold Henry Kegel who invented squeezing the muscles of the pelvic floor as a non-surgical treatment for incontinence, as well as an instrument to measure how strong the pelvic floor muscles are when contracting.
Pelvic floor exercises are a way to increase the strength of your – and it’s not just people with who benefit from practising these exercises. As well as helping to improve conditions like incontinence, they can also prevent pelvic prolapse, pelvic floor dysfunction reduce symptoms of erectile dysfunction in men, increase sensitivity for women during sex, and lower the risk of incontinence after pregnancy if practiced during pregnancy and after giving birth.
Everyone can benefit from doing pelvic floor exercises, and you can start at any age! We have written an article with instructions for how to do pelvic floor exercises, as well as a page on how you can practice yoga that benefits the pelvic floor.
If you’re experiencing incontinence or other symptoms that could be connected to your pelvic floor (or a weak pelvic floor), talk to your GP. They will be able to help diagnose your issue and work out the best course of treatment. If you are suffering from TENA can help. We have a range of men’s and women’s products to suit your needs, preferred style and skin type.
If you’re pregnant, then your health practitioner will be able to answer any questions you may have. You can also read our pre and postnatal pelvic floor tips to find out more.
These articles about leaks, bedwetting and continence care are here for you regardless if you are a man, woman, carer, relative, or professional.