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These articles about leaks, bedwetting and continence care are here for you regardless if you are a man, woman, carer, relative, or professional.
In this article, we’ll help you to understand interstitial cystitis (‘bladder pain’), what symptoms to recognise, and what treatments can help you to manage the pain.
Interstitial cystitis (IC) is a condition resulting in bladder pain and pressure. It is also known as Painful Bladder Syndrome, Bladder Pain Syndrome (BPS) and Chronic Bacterial Cystitis.
The condition tends to affect people mostly in their 30s and 40s and is far more common in women than men. Although it isn’t always clear what causes interstitial cystitis, it can have a significant impact on your lifestyle, and can be a cause for incontinence as well as other issues.
The most common symptom is cystitis pain below the belly button. The pain tends to be accompanied by frequent, sudden and uncontrollable urges to use the toilet, occasionally leading to incontinence issues.
You may also notice you’re using the toilet more than normal, often waking up and going during the night too. These urges may be frequent and sometimes lead to incontinence.
As well as experiencing pain, people with interstitial cystitis can suffer with urinary tract symptoms, lasting longer than 6 weeks. Quite often the cause of the infection can be difficult to understand, and it can take a long time for people to realise that they may be suffering from interstitial cystitis.
Although some people will experience interstitial cystitis symptoms frequently, others may only have them sporadically – it will differ from person to person.
In male interstitial cystitis, bladder pain can be felt, and is mostly felt in the scrotum, testicle and/or penis. Interstitial cystitis pain generally worsens when there is increased bladder pressure (i.e. your bladder is full), although more often than not, short-term relief comes after emptying the bladder.
The pain associated with interstitial cystitis in women is typically felt within the pelvic area, just below the belly button, although some women report pain in their vulva. Women may also notice that this pain is heightened when on their period and occasionally during sex.
If you are suffering from any kind of , it is worth investing in some of our incontinence pads and pants. There are a wide variety of options for both men and women so definitely take a look at our full range of incontinence products.
Interstitial cystitis causes are difficult to determine using the tests currently available to healthcare practitioners, and this can be quite frustrating for those suffering with the condition. Difficulties in the diagnosis is part of why interstitial cystitis is so difficult to treat. There are several theories as to what may cause the condition:
As mentioned previously, interstitial cystitis diagnosis is currently non-definitive. When visiting your GP, they may perform a series of tests to rule out any other underlying conditions, before giving you their diagnosis. They will be able to give you advice on how to tackle your own interstitial cystitis symptoms and tailor this advice to you specifically.
UTIs are another common issue affecting the urinary tract and bladder and may have some symptoms in common with interstitial cystitis. There is a small but growing body of evidence that interstitial cystitis is likely to be a chronic bacterial infection of the bladder’s lining. The best way to diagnose most UTIs is urine culture, in which a small amount of urine is transferred to an environment in which bacteria can grow, be identified and their susceptibility to antibiotics be tested.
Unfortunately, with interstitial cystitis, urine culture tends to be negative because bacteria aren’t present in large numbers, as they are not shed into urine from the bladder’s lining. Likewise, antibiotics may not be effective. Healthcare practitioners and scientists are working to develop better tests and treatments but medical understanding of UTIs is far clearer than interstitial cystitis, and doctors can diagnose and treat UTIs far more easily.
Read our page on UTIs for more information about this specific condition. You can also find more specific info on UTIs in Men and UTIs in Women.
If you suspect you have interstitial cystitis, it’s important to see your GP.
Interstitial cystitis is a chronic condition so there is no known cure, however there are plenty of treatments (medicinal or lifestyle changes) that can help with the pain, so please do reach out to your GP for help.
Interstitial cystitis treatment comes in many forms and no singular treatment works for everyone. However, here are some moderate lifestyle changes you can make that may help treat your symptoms.
We hope this helped you become better informed about the causes, symptoms and treatment of interstitial cystitis. If you have interstitial cystitis and are concerned about urinary incontinence, then check out our guide on urinary incontinence where we cover the basics. If you find yourself suffering with an irritable bladder, we also have more information on the symptoms and causes of an overactive bladder. But most importantly, be sure to speak to your GP if you are experiencing interstitial cystitis symptoms.
These articles about leaks, bedwetting and continence care are here for you regardless if you are a man, woman, carer, relative, or professional.