Learn more about incontinence
These articles about leaks, bedwetting and continence care are here for you regardless if you are a man, woman, carer, relative, or professional.
Nocturnal enuresis, also referred to as adult bedwetting, is a condition that affects a large number of adults around the world. In most cases, sudden bedwetting in adults will have a different underlying cause than bedwetting in children.
Changes to the amount of urine we produce and the timing of urine production can be caused by changes in the production of certain hormones, kidney problems, certain illnesses, or the direct or indirect effects of certain medicines. Changes in urine production can lead to waking during the night to pass urine (‘Nocturia’) or adult bedwetting (‘Nocturnal Enuresis’). In older adults, it is considered by many to be normal to have to get up to pass urine once or twice a night.
Nocturia is a term used by medical professionals to describe when people have to wake up during the night to empty their bladder. It is normal for adults and children to wake up around once at night to urinate, however, if you are taking more frequent bathroom visits, you may be experiencing Nocturia. Nighttime incontinence can be difficult to manage, however, you don’t have to struggle in silence, we have a helpful guide on coping with night-time incontinence, so that you can get a restful night’s sleep.
Among men, Nocturia is usually related to an enlarged prostate. Overactive muscles of the bladder, or underlying health conditions, can however cause frequent urination at night regardless of age and sex. Remember that excessive fluid intake, especially fluids with caffeine, can affect the number of toilet visits
Enuresis is a word that describes involuntary urination. Enuresis often occurs in children after the age when they should be able to control their bladder. The medical term for adult bedwetting is ‘Nocturnal Enuresis’, and this describes involuntary urination while asleep.
Involuntary urination in adults is also more commonly known as urinary incontinence, or adult bedwetting as the effects of the condition often happen during the night.
Read on to learn more about the causes of Nocturnal Enuresis and ways to stop it.
As we grow older, our bodies change, and we naturally need to go to the toilet more often than before. A younger person can hold up to half a litre of urine, but as we age, this is normally reduced by about half as the bladder muscle becomes less elastic. There are several different causes for this including the following:
Peeing in the bed as an adult could be a sign of a range of underlying health conditions. Medical issues that could be causes of adult bedwetting include:
Bedwetting can be uncomfortable and distressing, so it is natural that many people’s first question is ‘how can I stop urinating at night?’. Before you visit a doctor, it is sensible to check that bedwetting is not being caused by medications being taken. Read the information that came with any medicines you’re taking and consult a pharmacist. Sometimes, a simple change in when you take your medicine can help reduce symptoms.
Some medicines prescribed for the following conditions can cause nocturia and nocturnal enuresis in adults:
Once you have spoken to a medical professional, these tips below could manage and help with adult bedwetting at night, so you can have a peaceful sleep:
1. Limiting Alcohol and Caffeine Intake
High alcohol and caffeine intake can also cause or worsen nocturnal enuresis and can be easily avoided, so limiting intake of these substances and drinking more fluids may help.
2. Keeping a Bladder Diary
When searching for Nocturia treatments to help cure adult bedwetting, it is important to keep track of how often bedwetting occurs, the ratio of dry nights to wet nights and your diet (especially fluids). You can do this by keeping a bladder diary, this will help you keep track of how often you have to use the toilet, how much you’ve urinated and which and how many fluids you consume during the day.
When you are ready to see a doctor, they will carry out a physical examination, a neurological evaluation and a urinalysis and urine culture to determine the contents of the urine. This may lead to further tests.
3. Using Night-Time Incontinence Products
Depending on the severity of the bedwetting, there are a range of TENA pants available for moderate to heavy bladder leakage for both men and women.
Our specially formulated night-time products are designed to combat the effects of sudden bedwetting in adults, and make your nights secure and relaxing again. From our TENA Women Mini Night pads with triple protection to the TENA Discreet Maxi NIGHT, we ensure that you are protected all night long.
To establish the cause for nocturia and nocturnal enuresis in adults, you should consult your doctor. Regardless of the severity, frequency, or causes of your bedwetting, we have products to help you live your life as securely and stress-free as possible. For more helpful advice, browse our articles on a range of topics from understanding urinary incontinence in adults to talking about incontinence with ease.
These articles about leaks, bedwetting and continence care are here for you regardless if you are a man, woman, carer, relative, or professional.